Transmedia Infographic

carter moulton
1 min readSep 13, 2021

In small groups (2–4), pick any media property—a story, an existing novel, film, game, show, brand, or thing—and turn it into a transmedia franchise. Make an infographic that maps out a few “extensions” of your franchise. The visualization can take whatever shape or form you want it to, and you can use any platform you want to design it. Post the image to someone’s medium blog along with a short “developer’s statement” that provides context, justifies your decisions, and explains how the transmedia franchise will work. You can incorporate the “statement” right into the infographic if you want, integrating your explanations into the design rather than in paragraph form. Up to you. All I ask is that it:

  • has a story-world that takes place across at least 3 “media,” with each extension adding something new or unique.
  • explains how the franchise is making use of Jenkins’ principles of transmedia storytelling.
  • includes a few material paratexts that will promote/expand your franchise’s story-world. This might include brand partnerships, but if it does, explain why these partnerships will fit without seeming crass or inappropriate to the franchise.

Use the #looking-for-a-group Slack to post ideas or find group members. This Medium article and these two short videos will definitely help you.

